Sweet. it will be to have the oppportunity to be together, to walk on the sand, soft sand that caresses your feet.
Enjoy being with you as you become lost in the waves.Every moment I look for your glance while the sun lights your face.
And in the sunset your eyes express unforgottable tenderness in the romantic blue that transport me to the kiss of your mouth



Hi my dear friend, I have not talk with you for many months, l want to tell you about the life with my husband.

_I don’t have any more dreams since we got married
He is my dream come true
_It is terrible to see him
Sad because it hurts me, I love him
_So much, for that, I don’t want to
Lose his love, that’s why I never
_argue with him, I am so patient
Sweet and kind with this splendid man
_but I cannot continue being
Jealous, I need to trust him, it is so
_stupid, it is impossible to live
With this insecurity and fear that make feel
_sad and worried all the time
He seems to be happy with me, however
_I think it will be better to finish with
The moments when we are not together,
_the melancholy that I feel when I really want
a hug and he is not here
_To be with someone else
Is not the same, he is the only one
_maybe one day he can understand
How much I love him and
_the pain that produces to me
To think to be without him