Foreign languages learning strategies are the steps or tools students use in order to improve their knowledge and progress in the process language acquisition, these strategies used by the student are relevant because made language learning more efficient and it has a positive effect on the student that´s why learner begin to discover the kind of activities that they prefer when they are learning a foreign language.
Each learner has a way to learn and many factors influence the choice of strategies preferred for them. The motivation is a factor because more motivated students use more strategies than less motivated students I am of the opinion that as a future teacher I must create a good learner environment where the student feel really motivated to learn and himself can create new learning strategies. Another factor is a Learners attitudes that affect on the strategy learners choice a negative attitude can cause a poor strategy or simply a lack of strategy. Most of the students adopt different strategies according to their learning style for example learner who are so shy and introvert prefer to learn a second language through grammar exercises, sentences looking for meaning of words in dictionaries, reading books, organize information. On the other hand sociable and extrovert learners prefer to learn the second language through the use of communicative activities ,it allows them to have the opportunity to communicate with their teachers and classmates and they begin to develop speaking and listening skills.
The impact of using strategies has been a topic of research Oxford outlines give us three types of strategies. One of them is “memory strategies” when the students add information into long term memory and used when needed for communication. “Cognitive strategies” it is used to revise internal mental models and to produce messages in the target language. “metacognitive strategies” help learner exercise. Planning, focusing and evaluating their own learning, and finally “social strategies” that facilitate interaction with others, in this kind of strategies students like to ask questions, co operating with others, asking for correction, co operating with peers and these activities help them to improve their foreign language knowledge.
All of this points to the conclusion that students learn in many different ways by seeing and hearing, reflecting and acting, memorizing and visualizing, reading aloud, guessing, summarizing. These strategies using by the learners help them to develop autonomy when they are learning, and the same time they develop the different skills, we must help students discover the best way to learn and create spaces where the student feel trust to learn and develop his own learning way.

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